David Burnett, Contact Press Images, 10/19/2021
Aaah, full moons. When I wake up at 3 am for no apparent reason and can't fall back asleep. Thank you full moon and the energy you give me. I might as well get up a write about you.
This full moon goes direct around 11 am today. It will be big and beautifully full tonight, along with the Orionid meteor shower, which will mostly be washed out due to the brightness of the moon. Whew! There's already a lot going on and that is only what we can see with our eyes.
In the past week or so, we have had Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, and Pluto go direct (start moving forward again). They have been retrograding for the last month or so, and we have felt that energy. Flying off the handle at little things, out of energy, everything feels like a struggle, stress headaches, eating our feelings, not creating good boundaries for ourselves, and the like. Sound familiar? (That is a Yes for me.) But the funny thing about that time, it gets you thinking, it makes you realize what you don't want, and that my friends is as important as knowing what you do want.
We have been in a kind of holding period due to the planets retrograding and have been able to look a bit more at ourselves so we truly know what we want and desire.
A good metaphor for what we have been experiencing is a bow and arrow. As an archer pulls back the arrow, all of the tension and energy to come is being pulled into the back and just waiting for the exact right moment to be released. That is where we are. The focus before propelling the arrow forward to the intended target, creating inertia that ripples in more areas than you expect.
This full moon is being ushered in by the ram of fiery Aries. Aries is the warrior archetype and a motivator/driver. As a fire sign, it sets action into motion. Hence the arrow.
Aries looks directly at life's purpose. The power of the full moon illuminates all areas of our life so we can see what may be lurking in the shadows and holding us back from fulfilling our purpose. We can change the shadows if we recognize and release them. Let this full moon help you release what no longer serves your highest and best and then propel you into the next chapter.
Once you do release that arrow, things will move fast. Be ready for great things to come from all of the hard work you have already done.
Remember, we are still under the shadow of retrograde planets so it may take a week to feel the full benefits of this full moon...but it is certainly there for the taking.
God bless you on this full moon and every day. xoxo
Please be kind.
Hope and light lives within us all.
“I don’t understand it any more than you do, but one thing I’ve learned is that you don’t have to understand things for them to be.” ― Madeleine L’Engle, A Wrinkle in Time
For inquiries please email, illuminatedsoul6@gmail.com