Expectations. I like to know what to expect whenever I do something. I always try to find some sort of reference, either from in-person experience from friends and relatives or something online. So I wanted to give you some expectations on when you see a medium, any medium, from a medium.
How a Medium Works
A quick analogy so you can have a basic understanding of how mediumship works is by looking at the channels on tv or radio. There are many stations on the dial, some you can see and hear and some you cannot, all run through frequency (energy). Some have interference or static, some are crystal clear. Some frequencies run higher (spirit) and some lower (human). Since we are all connected to source, we can all tap into these frequencies but some can tap into more stations on the dial. The medium can bring their vibration up and the spirit can lower their vibration to meet in the middle to communicate. They communicate through what is commonly known as The Clairs. (The six senses for sensitives - we see, hear, feel, smell, taste, and just know).
• Clairvoyance means clear seeing.
• Clairaudience means clear hearing.
• Clairsentience means clear feeling.
• Clairalience means clear smelling.
• Clairgustance means clear tasting.
• Claircognizance means clear knowing.
Mediums each work and communicate in different ways and each come with different skill sets (i.e. works other modes of healing, cards, art, and more). You should try to find a medium whom you feel some sort of connection to. Peruse the website, read what they write and teach, review testimonials, see who and what resonates to you. (Believe me, your ancestors will help you set it up and make it happen. They want this as much as you do). This is also an interaction of trust.
Mediums come from a place of healing and love. We are in search of the highest and best for our sitters (sitter = the client, that is you). We set intentions and spend time in meditation before you meet with us. Our work may begin days before we see you. We can be in contact with your people on and off for days before the actual reading. It is very serious and sacred work.
As in life, your vibe matters. Like attracts like...so just like in life, some spirit will be more drawn to one energy over another (i.e., medium). So if you come across a medium who does not connect well with your departed, do not despair. God puts lots of mediums on the earth to help connect each and every one of us.
The Actual Reading/Session Types
There are two reading scenarios: Private and public.
A private reading is done with you and the medium/reader/healer only. It is a more in-depth reading and can cover topics on the more private side of life. It can incorporate many different tools the medium may use - crystals, cards, oils, smell, sound, etc...a more private type of person may prefer this way of reading.
If you want a taste of what mediumship is, you can go to a public demonstration of mediumship. It is basically a large group reading, anywhere from 15-200 people in the audience. The medium works the room giving short 5-7 minute readings. If you are at a public demonstration, the reading generally goes to whomever there needs it most and not everyone gets read.
The medium can use a "direct" or "indirect" approach to reading. Direct reading is when the medium asks a certain person if they can work specifically with them, hence going direct. An indirect reading is when the medium can describe the spirit individual and describes that person until they find their sitter. Both ways work just as well as the other.
Open to Receive
You have to be open to receive to get a message from anyone on anything. You may be surprised who comes through and what message they have to deliver. Remember, we are working for your highest and best, not your wants or desires.
What do I mean by open to receive? You need to be ready to receive messages from whomever comes through. I have learned from working with spirit that they only give you what you are ready to hear/need to know.
Isn't everybody open to receive? The answer is no. There are times when we are going through the thickness of grief, self-doubt, regret, shame, etc. (the really tough emotions, you name it, it can effect you). We can build walls we don't even know we have. We can block, expand and hinder energy, therefore effecting the reading quality. Mediums know this as the wall of grief/emotion...we know there is more there but yet we can't get through...the connection may be muddled and you will not get the best results.
It is best to be honest with yourself...and figure out if you are really ready for a reading. Would it be beneficial to wait 6 months to one year and work through some of that emotion? You will know the answer.
A medium will be there to help whenever you are ready. It all happens in divine time, exactly as it was meant to be.
Working with the Medium
Mediums prefer to work in ways that best suit and highlight their abilities. Each medium works differently and have their own unique preferences. This should be discussed up front, before the reading.
• Most mediums will want as little commentary by you during the reading as possible. We take some affirmations from you but we also trust our source of information. A medium first serves Spirit. They do not steer us wrong.
• Good responses to a medium are simple:
- Yes.
- No.
- I don't know.
(Don't ever be afraid to say no, it will not hurt the mediums feelings. After all we are human and can be wrong).
• Keep an open mind. You never know, you just may become a messenger. Sometimes someone you know needs a message so badly that the spirit side finds any way possible to get to them. That means using you as the messenger and coming through in your reading to get to them.
• Most mediums will be happy to do a brief review of your reading and hear stories after they are done, if time and scheduling permits. (When they are in the zone, you want them to do as much as they can in the time they have with Spirit. You know you have a whole family full of ancestors, friends, guardian angels, guides and all sorts of people who love you who want to communicate with you).
• Come prepared. Know what questions or guidance you would want to seek from them.
Getting Yourself Ready for a Reading/Session
It works best if the energy is high so when you do go to a medium....Come in with a clear, open head and level emotions. Try not to be in a fight with someone on the way in, be harried from rushing and being late or angst over the what-ifs of the reading.
It is probably best not to think too much about going at all. Maybe a quick prayer or ask before bed for a few days before to whomever you would love to see most....but be prepared because we on earth do not decide who comes through or what message is relayed. That is strictly Team Spirit's job in all of this...based of what is in your highest and best.
So that means if your dead next door neighbor, whom was also super close with your Mom comes through to tell you Mom is proud of you and acknowledges the new baby you have, know that happened to help you work through some of that wall of grief, it happened to make progress for your healing and unfoldment....and who knows maybe next time around Mom comes to say hi.
Do something that will raise your energy before you come in...ideas are:
• Music! Blast your favorite tunes, dance and sing out loud before you come in...it raises your energy fast.
• Laugh! Watch something that makes you laugh...it raises your energy fast.
• Exercise! move your body...it raises your energy fast. Walking outside in nature...sounds nice!
• State out loud one thing you are grateful for....it raises your energy fast.
• Smile and know God/Universe loves you. Bask in this knowledge, feel the love....it raises your energy fast.
• Light a stick of incense and say a prayer. Your prayer is whatever you want...but like Mick Jagger says, "You can't always get what you want, but you find sometimes, you get what you need...Aaaaaawe, yeah."
• Meditate, quiet the mind and body and breathe. Deep, slow breaths. Listen to your breath, in with the nose and out with the mouth. (The more noise you make the better it is). The larger expanse of the diaphragm the bigger clearing.....big, deep breaths in from your nose (count 12345) and hold (count 12345) and blow out through the mouth (count 12345)...repeat until ready.
• Most importantly, relax and enjoy the experience. Bask in the love and glow.
We are all on a journey. Our journey includes grief and sorrow. Our journey includes questions. Our journey includes faith and hope. Our journey includes love. Our journey heals. Our journey is still full of light. For light continues to shine and love never dies.
Your journey brought you here. I hope it answered some of your questions.
Please be kind.
Hope and light lives within us all.
“I don’t understand it any more than you do, but one thing I’ve learned is that you don’t have to understand things for them to be.” ― Madeleine L’Engle, A Wrinkle in Time
For inquiries please email, illuminatedsoul6@gmail.com
I have been providing readings for over five years and have studied/mentored with Rita Berkowitz, Mavis Pittilla, and Jo Petrie.