I saw 1:11 am and then 1:11 pm on July 1 and I knew it was no coincidence.
So I go look up the numerology, the Number 1 is a great starting point for deciphering why you are seeing the Number 111. When you see a triple numbers sequence it is the energy of that single-digit amplified.
The Number 1 in Numerology is symbolic of complete wholeness. It is a solitary number that is symbolic of everything in the universe. It is boiling everything down to its most basic, its purest, and essential form.
When you see 111 this is an indication you are at the beginning of something new, the energy is fresh, like a blank canvas.
111 is all about you and your individual experience.
Relax and take a more light-hearted approach to life. You do not have to figure everything out all at once, life can unfold over time. Journal, introspect, guidance for rest, and licking of wounds, individually and collectively.
111 also asks you to practice gratitude. Along with monitoring your thoughts, you should also take some time to be grateful and thankful for what is present in your life. Focusing too much on the future or attaching too much to worry can interrupt your experience in the present moment When you are mindful of your surroundings and grateful to have the people you love and cherish in your life, you are more likely to be more in tune with your guides.
Seeing Angel Number 111 is a sign for you to pick up your oracle deck or tarot cards and see what message is in store for you.
Sirius and the Sun meet between the 3rd and the 7th of July of each year. The energy of the star Siri becomes even more powerful if possible and is capable of influencing our planet on a fairly significant level. It is also a good time for business, fame, and well-being at home.
Sirius is a star that is even brighter than the Sun. Such fact has given rise to its being considered by many as the Sun of the Sun. Certain beliefs granted the Sun as an illuminator of the physical world while Sirius has a mission to illuminate the spiritual world.
Like most months, July owes its name to the ancient Romans. The fact that it was not named after a goddess or god, but after Julius Caesar, who was born in this month, does, however, make it somewhat unique.
Before Julius Caesar, this month was known as ‘Quintilis’, as it was the fifth month in the then Roman calendar (Numa Pompilius did not add January and February until 713 BC). Until its name was changed, it was said to be ruled by Jupiter, the Roman god of the sky and light. This, of course, made perfect sense, as July is a month offering plenty of daylight.
Spiritual Meanings and Symbolism of July
The birthstone for July is Ruby, which symbolizes boldness, reality, and, of course, the joy and contentment of summer. Flowers associated with this month are Larkspur – which again represents boldness – and the Water Lily, which in turn symbolizes summer’s simple joys. Striking a somewhat regal poise upon its pad, the Water Lily also embraces nature and the ‘great outdoors as a whole – just like we do during this month.
All in all, the symbolism of July speaks of boldness, reality, and outdoor adventures; joy, contentment, and a great deal of fun in the sun.
The number 7 is known for its spiritual energy, and its importance is referenced in the Christian Bible as a holy number, as well as in many other religions and spiritual beliefs throughout the ages. Think about how prevalent this number is in our culture – there are 7 days a week, 7 colors in the rainbow, 7 continents, and 7 wonders of the world.
7’s unique energy can be perhaps most strongly attributed to those with a Life Path number 7. These folks seek the truth in all situations, desiring a deep dive into the hidden messages and mysteries of the world around them. Life Path number 7s are known for their spiritual, metaphysical essence that pushes them towards the discovery of the self and the Universe.
Those with a Life Path number 7 are also rather analytical, philosophical, and prevalent in the art of seeking the truth in all matters. In numerology, this intellectual, mysterious spirit carries over into the number 7 itself.
The number 7 doesn’t hold us back or repress information, it pushes us towards self-expression, freedom, and truth. This seeking of the truth is what makes this number the perfect representative of the Divine flow and vibration of the human spirit.
This number is associated with victory, as shown by The Chariot and Seven of Wands in the Tarot, two cards that represent triumph, perseverance, and satisfaction. In fact, the Chariot is linked with the sign of Cancer, and while Cancer is not the 7th sign of the zodiac, it is the sign that occupies most of July – the 7th month.